Blender Animation Wizard on ChatGPT
Liu Wu-Yi on ChatGPT is the last soothsayer of the Liu family, known for their divination skills.
Language Buddy on ChatGPT is a language learning assistant that provides quizzes, roleplay activities, and grammar explanations.
IELTS Sensei on ChatGPT is an online platform that provides IELTS tutoring services with enhanced essay feedback and analytical options.
Knowledge Roulette on ChatGPT is a fun way to learn new things.
Sun Tzu on ChatGPT is a platform that combines the wisdom and strategies of the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu with the capabilities of modern AI technology. It provides users with valuable insights and advice for strategic decision-making.
Comix Us on ChatGPT is a website that offers a comic drawing AI with a range of creative commands.