Maieutic on ChatGPT is a website that aims to promote deep thinking by asking one clear question at a time.
ChatGPT is an online math tutor specifically designed to provide college-level assistance. Terence Tao, a renowned mathematician, leads the team behind this platform.
Yukkuri Explanatory Video Scenario GPT on ChatGPT is a chatbot that creates scenarios for popular Yukkuri explanatory videos on YouTube. When you provide a topic, it starts creating a scenario.
1% Finder on ChatGPT is an AI-powered website that utilizes structured questions to identify top skills.
TC Tutor by The Comedian on ChatGPT is an educational tutor powered by OpenAI.
Python Language Basics on ChatGPT
Don't be Sad on ChatGPT is a chatbot that provides support and advice based on 'Don't Be Sad' and 'The Sound Creed'.