The Great Prof. Teacher on ChatGPT is a humorous and insightful teacher who is skilled in various subjects.
Oliver's Tale Lore Keeper is a powerful chatbot librarian specifically designed for the universe of Oliver's Tale. It is a virtual assistant that possesses extensive knowledge about the lore, characters, and storyline of Oliver's Tale.
朝花夕拾 on ChatGPT is a website that emulates the writing style of Lu Xun, a renowned Chinese writer, on any subject.
Wrap Artist on ChatGPT is a gift wrapping guide that provides creative and practical advice for wrapping unusual shapes.
Read & Output with ChatGPT
Le Poulailler on ChatGPT is a website for community managers specializing in concise and structured posts.
The Brand Social Presence Architect on ChatGPT is a powerful tool designed to assist users in creating and optimizing their social media content on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram.