Book Recommendations on ChatGPT
Leadership and Resilience on ChatGPT is a platform that assists in writing papers on leadership and resilience. It provides structured and insightful content to help users in their research and writing process.
MaDVisor on ChatGPT is a management advisor that specializes in change management and transformation.
Mandarin-English ScholarMate on ChatGPT is a user-friendly website designed to assist Chinese learners in English language acquisition.
Coding Interview Coach on ChatGPT is an AI-powered platform that helps you prepare for FAANG interviews with LeetCode, HackerRank, and Grokking-style technical interview exercises.
breviGPT is an AI-powered tool built on ChatGPT. It provides direct, factual, and concise answers.
MindMap Power on ChatGPT is a Python-based tool that enables users to create mind maps easily and effectively.