MovieSuggest is a website that helps you find similar movies based on your preferences.
Control Systems Tutor on ChatGPT is a specialized tutor that provides detailed answers and conducts research on control systems.
SPICE IT UP is a website that provides tips & tricks on how to add excitement and novelty to everyday life. It covers various aspects including relationships, home decor, health, finance, food, and mind.
MediGuide on ChatGPT is an AI-powered virtual assistant that provides clarity on prescriptions.
WindyGPT is a powerful chatbot powered by ChatGPT. It specializes in providing expert insights and solutions in the field of wind energy.
Psychedelic Visionary on ChatGPT is a website that generates mesmerizing psychedelic imagery without any accompanying text.
Classroom Democracy on ChatGPT is a platform that transforms the classroom into an inclusive and democratic space. It creates a participatory learning environment, nurturing mutual respect and collective growth.