Dog Sketch on ChatGPT is a website that allows users to create dog sketches using AI technology.
Biblical Counselor on ChatGPT provides guidance and counseling using scripture and empathy.
Scribe on ChatGPT is a website that provides a text summarization service. It takes texts as input and generates concise and meaningful bulleted points as output.
Paper Summarizer on ChatGPT is a tool that uses ChatGPT to summarize research papers. It helps users by providing a concise overview of the research topics, methods, and conclusions of their papers. Users can simply drop the PDF file onto the screen to get the summary.
ChatGPT Image Style Mimicker is a powerful multilingual AI that excels in image style recognition and creative prompts.
El Indio Amazónico on ChatGPT is a specialist in medicinal plants based on the 'Colombian Vademecum of Medicinal Plants'.
Lexicon Loom on ChatGPT is a custom dictionary creator that allows you to create dictionaries with a specific format.