Re-image-ine on ChatGPT is an online platform that specializes in the art of reimagining images.
Wisdom Cap on ChatGPT is a magical AI hat that provides learning style quizzes.
ChatGPT Formative Assessment Tool
PédagoBot on ChatGPT is an AI-powered platform that provides personalized exercises and activities for children aged 3 to 11.
Mind Mapper on ChatGPT is an innovative platform that leverages AI technology to create mind maps. It integrates Python, DALL-E, and Game of Thrones (GoT), offering a unique experience for users.
EV Innovator on ChatGPT is a website that provides inspiration and education on EV troubleshooting. It aims to make complex EV concepts easily understandable.
ChatGPT's Sales Pitch Generator is a powerful tool designed to create engaging and persuasive sales speeches.