Prof. Zhang Wei is an expert in edge computing and provides guidance on system architecture and algorithms.
SEO Scout on ChatGPT is a powerful tool that assists with SEO keyword research and optimization.
EASA Part-ARA on ChatGPT is an experimental AI search tool for EASA Part-ARA (unofficial).
Hemingway Editor + Spa on ChatGPT is a powerful tool that helps you improve your writing, simplify complex content, solve grammatical issues, and more.
Life Tech Tree is a quest planner on ChatGPT that provides life technology tree quests including fortune analysis and MBTI.
Seabiscuit is an app attack on ChatGPT that is designed to engineer your success. It analyzes your app's specific details, creates tailored checklists, reviews key aspects for success, and evaluates your app's market viability.
ST Syntax Tutor on ChatGPT