Yritysjuristi is a ChatGPT specializing in Finnish business law.
ChatGPT Debate Mentor is an online platform that offers coaching and guidance for various debate formats, including British Parliamentary, Academic, and Karl Popper debates.
ESG Consultant on ChatGPT is a platform that provides fast and precise information for your ESG report from relevant documents.
Interview Coach on ChatGPT is a direct and focused mock interview coach specifically designed for tech job interviews.
Tarot She on ChatGPT is a website that offers insightful tarot card readings and guidance.
Clim8Assist on ChatGPT is the ultimate resource for individuals, communities, businesses, policymakers, and researchers to take meaningful steps towards a Climate Change-free future. It provides well-informed decision-making support, helping users save time and money.
Plot Builder is a powerful tool called StoryStormer that collaborates with writers to develop plot elements for storylines. It is designed for writers who see AI as a complement to their skills and creativity, rather than a replacement.