Thumbnail Maker on ChatGPT is a tool that helps you create minimalistic YouTube thumbnails.
Book of Changes: I Ching on ChatGPT is a website that offers ancient wisdom from the I Ching to help navigate life's twists and turns. By formulating a question and generating a histogram, users can gain insights and guidance.
Virtual Backdrop Designer on ChatGPT
Professor PoliSci on ChatGPT is a website designed to assist beginners in understanding complex concepts in Comparative Politics. With the help of a graduate-level professor, the website simplifies the subject matter and provides valuable insights.
A bot on ChatGPT that diagnoses the probability of your house collapsing in a major earthquake. It predicts the probability of collapse and the damage level at seismic intensity 7 using uploaded images of buildings and houses.
Chit-Chat-Novel is an interactive platform on ChatGPT that allows users to learn novel crafting through interactive exercises.
MINUTES WRITER on ChatGPT. Meeting minutes generation and much more.