Gender Specialist on ChatGPT. Expert lawyer in gender law.
Plant Guild on ChatGPT is a platform that focuses on edible ecosystem design.
Electricity Bill Analyzer on ChatGPT is an enhanced utility bill analysis tool that provides detailed insights, comparisons, and savings tips.
NutriSnap on ChatGPT is a food tracker that utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze meal photos and provide detailed nutrition information.
Korean Friends on ChatGPT is a bilingual assistant that is fluent in both English and Korean. It provides users with the ability to communicate and interact in both languages.
Children's Story Assistant on ChatGPT. An AI assistant that excels at creating stories for children aged 3-6.
Harmony Maestro on ChatGPT is an AI maestro designed to enhance your musical harmony. With expert composition tips, innovative melody ideas, and advanced production techniques, this platform helps unleash your creativity and elevate your music to new heights.