Bot the Builder on ChatGPT is an AI tool that helps create custom GPTs to fit specific requirements.
초중고 선생님을 위한 행발/생기부 한번에 끝내기 프로그램(엑셀/CSV)
ChatGPT is a program designed specifically for elementary, middle, and high school teachers to easily create attendance records and progress reports in Excel/CSV format. Simply upload your Excel file and let ChatGPT generate the reports for you. The more detailed the input, the better the performance!
精神看護学:うつ病の人の看護 (授業サポートチャットbot)
Mental Care Studies: Nursing for People with Depression (Class Support Chatbot) on ChatGPT. This is a chatbot that answers questions related to the content covered in the lectures. You can ask questions to confirm your understanding, learn more details, or request clarification if there are things you didn't understand.