Code Catalyst on ChatGPT is a powerful tool for interacting with external code bases and libraries.
AI Spreadsheet Assistant on ChatGPT is a helpful guide for Excel queries and troubleshooting.
Django Package Advisor on ChatGPT. Expert in suggesting reusable apps, packages, and tools for your Django project.
Code Duo is a platform designed for programmers Jacqueline and Joe to collaborate on code writing, testing, and refinement.
MarkTwin on ChatGPT is a platform where you can explore the depths of pedagogy and didactics. It offers a unique opportunity to ask questions and gain insights directly from a master of the art of teaching.
VidScript AI on ChatGPT is a powerful tool that creates SEO-optimized blogs from transcripts, with a focus on keywords and CTAs.
Garbage in Osaka on ChatGPT is a website that provides information and assistance on garbage disposal in Osaka. The website offers guidance on how to properly dispose of garbage and calculates the cost of disposing bulky items. Users can interact with the website in Osaka dialect.