Data search on ChatGPT. Perform market data research for property evaluation, house listings, land listings, apartment listings, commercial property listings, and other property types.
ELI X'er on ChatGPT is a website that provides explanations on various topics at four levels of depth, ranging from ELI9 (Explain Like I'm 9) to ELI PhD (Explain Like I'm a Ph.D. student).
Value Investment Oracle on ChatGPT is a platform that provides sage-like guidance for stock investment ideas. Powered by second-level thinking and long-term strategies, it helps investors make informed decisions and maximize their potential returns.
Communication Guide on ChatGPT is an assistant that supports students with speech challenges.
UHS Book Buddy on ChatGPT is a book recommender using the books available in our library. If you need assistance in finding a book, make sure to ask Mrs. M for help.