
急救血气6步判读(Reportable Gas Blood)
The ChatGPT platform provides a tool called 'Reportable Gas Blood' that helps with interpreting blood gas analysis results. It requires inputs such as age, gender, diagnosis, and related factors for pH, PaO2, PaCO2, HCO3-, Lac, Na+, Cl-, and Alb. It then generates an outcome report based on the analysis.

パソコン(Windows98)拒否ゲーム〜1998年の偏屈なサラリーマン〜 Ver.2
PC (Windows 98) Denial Game ~ The Cantankerous Salaryman of 1998 ~ Ver.2 on ChatGPT. A text-based game set in 1998 where you engage in a conversation with a cantankerous salaryman who stubbornly resists new technology, and try to convince him to use Windows 98 within a limit of 10 exchanges. The game is scored on a scale of -10 to 30, and the objective is to earn 100 points to clear the game.