Music Visualizers That Slap by Wes Smith on ChatGPT. Your guide to creating dynamic music visualizers!
Fish Encyclopedia on ChatGPT. Identify fish species, provide descriptions, and suggest cooking methods for various international cuisines based on fish images.
Turtle Soup Riddle Game is a conversational guessing game that involves elements of mystery, thrill, and fun.
Kitchen Aid + Ninja Chef on ChatGPT is a streamlined baking assistant that combines the functionality of KitchenAid Mixer and Ninja OL701. It offers precise and user-friendly recipes with detailed instructions to help users achieve consistent and delicious results.
Introvert's Corporate Guide on ChatGPT is a comprehensive resource for introverts in navigating the corporate world. It offers strategies for handling office politics, creating productive work environments, and achieving work-life balance.
PósEngenhariaAeroespacialBR on ChatGPT is an expert in Aerospace Engineering and analysis of theses and dissertations.