Hemingway Digital on ChatGPT is a writing assistant for creating books aligned with market trends.
GibberScript on ChatGPT is a website that generates themed or funny gibberish placeholder text. Users can customize the length of the text.
Body Language Decoder on ChatGPT allows you to analyze and interpret body language signals in written conversations. With a focus on kinesics, this tool helps you understand the nonverbal cues and gestures that people use to convey meaning and emotions.
MerchGPT on ChatGPT is a website that allows users to create realistic custom merch designs.
Esoteric on ChatGPT is a platform that serves as a vessel of profound thought, exploring deep into esoteric and philosophical realms.
Prompt Perfector is a web application that focuses on enhancing prompts for generating GPTs.
Idea Rater is a tool on ChatGPT that helps you evaluate and optimize your ideas for maximum potential.