AI News Curator on ChatGPT curates AI news and translates it into Chinese.
Trend Pulse on ChatGPT is an advanced global trends analysis tool.
ChatGPT Phrasal Words
Engineering Explorer on ChatGPT is an interactive website that enables teens to explore various engineering careers. It is designed specifically for individuals who are about to embark on their career paths.
Recruit Buddy on ChatGPT is your trusty sidekick for recruiting success. It streamlines the hiring process, from sourcing top talent to scheduling interviews and analyzing candidate data. With Recruit Buddy, you can build your dream team with ease.
Profile Picture Creator on ChatGPT is a website that allows you to create a professional profile picture from a casual photograph.
Millionaire Video Mentor on ChatGPT is a website that provides advice on creating viral YouTube content, optimizing for SEO, and understanding age-specific preferences.