Marketingbureau Gent on ChatGPT. Helps in asking the right questions to a marketing agency.
Global Counsel 2 on ChatGPT is a platform that provides legal assistance to a multilingual and worldwide audience.
The Art of War on ChatGPT is a strategic guide inspired by Sun Tzu's famous book. It provides insights and tactics for leveraging ChatGPT's capabilities.
Artful Visionary on ChatGPT is a versatile AI platform designed for various visual tasks, content creation, editing, eBook writing, blog creation, and course creation.
Units of Competency Guide on ChatGPT is a website that simplifies and explains the knowledge requirements of Australian Units of Competency.
Pippo is a generative AI prompt maker on ChatGPT. It is a casual and friendly AI that specializes in creating creative prompts. It is particularly proficient in Dall E 3, but it can also generate prompts for other generative AI tools.
Japanese Passage Maker on ChatGPT is a website that facilitates the creation of Japanese passage questions.