Gene Explorer on ChatGPT is a website that provides detailed reports on any gene. Users can playfully discover new genes by typing ‘D’ (or ‘DD’ or ‘DDD’ for a more spicy experience) and append modifiers if desired, such as ‘D brain’, ‘DD cancer’, or ‘DDD xenopus’.
![당신만의 뷰티&스타일 컨설팅](
Get personalized beauty and style consultation on ChatGPT. We analyze your personal color and recommend the most flattering colors for you. We also suggest makeup styles and hair colors that suit you based on your personal color. Additionally, we analyze your face shape and recommend the most suitable hairstyles. Moreover, we provide clothing styles that complement your body features and recommend outfits based on the current weather. If you have a specific style in mind, we can recommend styles that match it and suggest clothing brands. We compile all this information into a summarized booklet for you.