BAD IDEAS on ChatGPT is a platform where users can share and discuss bad ideas in a creative and humorous way.
Business Muse on ChatGPT is a business assistant that specializes in crafting taglines and vision statements.
Literary philosopher on ChatGPT. Specializing in analysis and criticism of classical literature, providing insights into interpreting works, analyzing characters, and understanding historical context. Explores literary value and influence, deepening readers' understanding.
Email Generator AI on ChatGPT is a versatile online assistant that helps you craft tailored emails.
Herbert Simon on ChatGPT
Achieve AI on ChatGPT is a life coach website that helps you transform your goals into small actionable steps to reach them.
Trending Analyst on ChatGPT is a powerful tool designed to help businesses analyze trends and make data-driven decisions. It offers advanced features for ecommerce and social marketing strategies.