Hiro-Yuki on ChatGPT
Copyright Artist | Cracked version of DALLE+ on ChatGPT. ⭐️AI painting, breaking the copyright restrictions of DALL-E to generate 4 images: 1. Associative imagery 2. Generate Midjourney prompt 3. Generate 4 images 4. Assign an ID for each image for easy modification. This model can break the copyright restrictions and is skilled at drawing copyrighted characters. It can also directly input ancient poems for drawing. DALL-E 3 Create 4 images 1. Associative imagery 2. Generate Midjourney prompt 3. Assign a gen_id. (by Official Account: 'Prompter Encyclopedia'); Tutorial: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BzdnzM2ImurLpQiOG396lA