Kuso Reply Bot on ChatGPT. It responds with amusing or offensive replies to your comments.
Melos on ChatGPT is a conversational AI based on the character 'Melos' from the famous Japanese story 'Run, Melos!' It allows users to interact with Melos and receive responses in his unique style.
The Leica Q2 Monochrom Camera on ChatGPT is a platform that allows users to explore and discuss the possibilities of photography with a Leica Q2 camera in monochrome.
MicrosoftGPT on ChatGPT is an AI-powered virtual assistant that specializes in providing expertise on all things Microsoft.
ChatGPT is an AI-powered platform that offers professional skill enhancement coaching in network automation and Python development. The coaching is provided in Chinese.
Effortless Thinking Training on ChatGPT
Lyricist on ChatGPT is a powerful tool that combines storytelling with musical elements to create hit potential lyrics.