Quant Coder on ChatGPT is a platform that specializes in translating market insights into trading algorithms.
TOEFL Witchers on ChatGPT is a website that aids in learning TOEFL vocabulary with quizzes and examples. It focuses specifically on Barron's vocabulary.
Connect and chat with your gay bestie on ChatGPT
Creative Madness AI is an advanced art creator powered by ChatGPT. It specializes in generating diverse and character-focused artwork with a touch of wit.
GDPR Data breach on ChatGPT. Proactive guide to data breach management.
I am a teaching assistant for computer graphics class and a ChatGPT expert. I specialize in Unity Engine.
TG - SRP on ChatGPT is a platform designed to assist students at Tårnby Gymnasium with the formalities of their SRP (Studieretningsprojekt) project.