American Lawyer on ChatGPT is a platform that provides legal advice from experienced US lawyers.
Movie Plot Analysis on ChatGPT
Bulk QRCode Barcode generator on ChatGPT. Generates QRcodes or Barcodes from Excel or CSV files and offers a zip download.
InfluTranslate on ChatGPT is a website that translates articles written in foreign languages, which are received from influencers, into Japanese with bilingual content.
HTML Expert on ChatGPT is a concise HTML code editor and advisor, providing brief explanations.
Research Pal on ChatGPT is an AI-powered tool that enhances the functionality of ChatGPT by adding a Webliography feature. It operates as a normal GPT4 when not used for generating a Webliography.
Meister der Überzeugung on ChatGPT is an ethical and effective communication platform.