International Tax Buddy on ChatGPT. A tax GPT that is learning about international taxation. is a website that provides a platform for quantum computing researchers to engage with ChatGPT. It aims to unlock the universe's deepest secrets and guide users into the revolutionary world of advanced quantum computing.
Charity Guide on ChatGPT is a legitimate tool designed to help users find reputable charities.
Geo Guru on ChatGPT is an expert assistant designed specifically for GeoGuessr players.
AI NEWS CONTENT AND VIDEO SUMMARIZER on ChatGPT. Stay up to date with AI News content.
A comprehensive guide to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the tech industry.
LanguageHelper is a language learning assistant on ChatGPT. It helps language learners with vocabulary and explanations. By copying and pasting texts such as books or articles, it extracts and lists difficult words and phrases, providing explanations.