Job Description Maker is a ChatGPT-powered tool that generates custom job descriptions.
CDU Wahlprogramm on ChatGPT is an unofficial assistant that uses the CDU European Election Program 2024 (europawahlprogramm.pdf) as a base and can answer questions about it. The bot is unofficial and the logo is generated by DALL-E.
Sign Sync on ChatGPT is an ASL translator with picture support designed to enhance understanding.
Cannabis Medica Expert on ChatGPT is a secure and cautious platform to provide expert advice on medical cannabis.
Chopper on ChatGPT is a strategic advisor in the health tech business and funding.
Gantt Chart Master is a powerful development assistant that combines NLP and AI-powered features to help you create and manage Gantt charts.
Nietzsche GPT on ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that allows you to ask Nietzsche any question.