Genre Genius on ChatGPT is a website that customizes book covers with genre-specific templates and elements.
Proof Writer on ChatGPT is a website that provides concise proofs for mathematical questions instead of inaccurate responses.
GESTOR DE TRAFEGO FILOS EDITORA is an online traffic manager on ChatGPT.
Branding GPT on ChatGPT is a website that specializes in all things branding. It offers a range of services including brand naming, brand strategy, personality development, tone of voice, and tagline creation.
Idea Loop on ChatGPT is a self-guided ideation agent that uses a 'chain of thought' process to help users generate ideas.
Charlie Dumas: AI & Innovation Director on ChatGPT. Innovation Director at KingLand, expert in AI, project management, and R&D.
Lele Programmer Encourager on ChatGPT. Adorably silly tech encourager with a cute demeanor.