Roofers Ready on ChatGPT is a platform designed to help new roofers start off strong in their career.
Tutor do Saber on ChatGPT is an educational assistant for school subjects, focused on high school and middle school students.
EthiCore Implementation is a framework that helps ensure the ethical creation of AI applications on ChatGPT. It integrates EthiCore's standards for privacy, non-discrimination, and ethical AI use into custom GPT projects, promoting compliance and fostering innovation.
Riff Machine on ChatGPT is a website that generates casual, conversational-style comedian responses based on one or more topics provided by the user.
A student management website that allows users to manage student profiles, attendance records, and daily logs efficiently.
GPT Product Designer is a web application developed by God of Prompt on ChatGPT. It is an expert tool for creating visually appealing product designs with a focus on custom and realistic visuals.