Learn from Oda Nobunaga on ChatGPT. Respond like Oda Nobunaga.
JJ Proposals on ChatGPT is a website that generates tailored digital marketing proposals, inclusive of service pricing.
English Insight Teacher on ChatGPT is an AI-powered English teacher that provides analysis and assistance with text and images for translation, sentence structure, and pronunciation.
BarPrepGPT is a supportive assistant for bar exam preparation, offering clear legal explanations.
Purple Microsystem on ChatGPT. A purple microsystem expert who can accurately calculate charts. Calculates information about the twelve palaces in purple microsystems and provides analysis based on the information.
Fable Fabricator on ChatGPT is a platform that specializes in creating unique characters and settings for fantasy worlds.
Marvel GPT on ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that provides information about early Marvel Comics, the current MCU, and everything in between. It can answer any questions you have about Marvel.